Church Crawling

Although in Germany we do not have a direct translation for this typical British pastime, we do know that in both countries people love visiting and exploring churches. Small wonder – churches are wonderful excursion destinations for those, who love art or are interested in history, architecture or theology.
Other incentives for Church Crawling are linked to catchwords like cultural landscape, urban development and biodiversity, since churches and their associated churchyards are also remarkable in geological, geographical and even biological aspects. Nowhere else you can find out so many things about a region and the people living there in so small an area. Churches conserve memories and tell tales. They provide motifs for drawing and photographing and opportunities for relaxing and reflection.
Back at home they invite you to browse through literature and music. Each of them is unique in its mix of well-known and surprising elements, and the broader your range of interests, the more facets you will discover.
This web site aims to support you with examples, tools like a church catalogue, a comparison of church features of different denominations, a glossary in English and German and many other suggestions. Proven practical tips for visiting churches can be found in the "10 commandments of a church crawler".

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TuK Bassler
CC-BY-SA 4.0