Key Image City Temple
Holborn Viaduct
EC1A 2DE London (City of London)
United Kingdom
Denomination: Reformed
Congregation: City Temple (United Reformed Church)
Geogr. Coordinates: 51.51729° N, 0.10607° W
Geo Location
Reference year: 1874
Building type: Single-nave church
Description: Modern single-nave church with neo-classical façade
Building material
  • Façade of Bath Stone
1640:   Foundation of a puritan congregation in London
1874:   Church built by Lockwood and Mawson
1941:   Destroyed during World War II
1958:   Completion of the reconstruction by Lord Mottistone (begun in 1955; introduction of a concrete structure between the street façade with its tower and the last bay of the original building)
Important persons:
Architect:  Seely, John, Lord Mottistone (1899–1963, English architect)
Number of Seats:  2.5
Kenyon, Nicholas (Hg.): The City of London – Architectural Tradition & Innovation in the Square Mile, Thames & Hudson, London 2012, p. 37
Millar, Stephen: London’s City Churches, Metro Publications, London 2013, p. 180
Tucker, Tony: City of London Churches, Guidelines Books, Stoke-on-Trent 2013, p. 106
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